Footprints Poem Author readers ask Carolyn Joyce Carty author of Footprints poem book series. Christian business news Christian books Christian copyrights footprints poem author footprints story about footprints poem.


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Registered Works Database (Claimant Search)
Search For: CARTY, CAROLYN JOYCE, 1957-
Item 1 of 1


1. Registration Number:  TXu-234-383
Title:  Footprints
Description:  8 pages 1 page poem (7 pages brief historical & biographical entries)
Claimant:  Carolyn Joyce Carty
Created:  1963

Registered:  Feb 24 1986

Title on © Application:  Footprints in the sand
Author on © Application:  Carolyn Joyce Carty (author of anonymous contribution)

(on file)


Copyright Record of Footprints Poem

Footprints poem copyright license agreement download

Special Codes: 1/B///A This special code represents the 3 authors who contributed to the original footprints poem they are; authors Robert Louis Scharring-Hausen founding father of Library week 1921, author Carolyn Joyce Carty 1963, author Ella H. Scharring-Hausen 1922.

This Special Code is contained in the U.S. Copyright Notice: Special Codes: 1/B///A This special code represents the 3 anonymous authors whose contribution was the famous footprints poem also known as the footprints poem they are; anonymous author Robert Louis Scharring-Hausen founding father of Library week 1921, anonymous author Carolyn Joyce Carty, child prodigy, anonymous author Ella H. Scharring-Hausen the original author of the less popular version of footprints poem. In part their anonymity remained until others were caught trying to claim their historical contribution. Many had only mistaken these three anonymous  only as "author unknown". The footprints "legacy" belongs to Carolyn Joyce Carty author & philanthropist and belongs to no other.

 Footprints poem news story

  r l scharringhausen vs mary stevenson


 I rely on the people who had the accredited education and knowledge of writing and publishing. Those people were my relatives the Scharring-Hausen's, Ella & Robert. My familys legacy was something they earned through great struggles and endurance but more importantly it was their genuine faith in God and people that the future would hold trust on the subject of the footprints poem authenticity and it's historical foundation.


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