Surviving Breast Cancer
Poems for Women of God
Authored by American Poet Carolyn Joyce Carty
Surviving Breast Cancer Poems for Women of
God by American Poet Carolyn Joyce Carty.
Dedicated to women who are surviving breast
cancer. Body, Mind & Spirit a good self help book
finding comfort.
ISBN 13; 9781463661106
EAN 146366110X / 9781463661106
Language: English
Related Categories:
Body, Mind & Spirit / Spirituality / General /
Disease & Disorders / Health / Life Books /
Breast Cancer / Cancer
Both sides of my family have suffered from various types of cancers. I lost my mother to cancer, I lost my father to cancer. I lost two grandparents to cancer. I genuinely support foundations who help to find the cure for cancer for people who have suffered with this type of trama. I hope I can inspire faith, hope, love and comfort for you in your times of need. I just want to wrap my arms around you spiritually, physically and mentally. So here I am with a warm and loving hug for all of you who have survived cancer and may be struggling with this disease. My prayers are always with you daily.
Surviving breast cancer journals are a wonderful gift to help comfort those who battle and survive cancer. Surviving breast cancer writing journals were made for you to help share your memories. This book was especially made for those who have preceded us in this battle. From the author; "I realized after the death of my mother that I wished she would have left something personal for me written in a journal about her experiences." My mom is no longer here but for those of you who are these journals are great ways for you to express your love and remind your families just how much you love them. Keepsakes; a Memoir of My Journey & How to Say I Love You.
Surviving Breast Cancer Books poems for women of God; new book releases by Carolyn Joyce Carty self help books to comfort bestsellers surviving breast cancer.
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